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What is Healy?Healy is a pocket-sized advanced German device based on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Science that the whole family can use for life without any recurring costs for health, well-being, and vitality. It is invented by a Berlin-based company Timewaver owned by German Scientist Mr. Marcus Schmieke and Mr Christian Halper. It can be easily operated by anyone using its mobile application and can be used by each member of the family.
What's the use of Healy in my family as we all are healthy?Healy is not only for the sick but equally helpful for the whole family, it's very useful for Pains, Life Style Diseases (Diabetes/ BP/ Thyoride), Chakra Balancing, Digital Nutrition, Learning, Beauty, Wound/ Scars, Relationships, Finance, Emotional and Mental Balance, Vastu, and much more. We can use it to support even animals, vastu and plants too.
What is the scientific basis of Healy?Healy has a quantum sensor, which analyses our cell membrane potential and optimizes it by giving the Microcurrents at the Frequencies desired by our body via one of the three electrodes (Wristband/ adhesive/ ear clips) in real time. Thus Healy is called IMF Device (Individualized Microcurrents and Frequency). Every Healy program is unique for an individual and it is highly result-oriented.
What is the meaning of Healy Editions?The Healy device is available in several editions: Essential, Gold, Resonance, Resonance Plus, and Professional. While the physical device you receive remains the same, the number of programs and modules increases as you move from the lower to the higher editions.
What is the duration of a Healy Program?The duration of a Healy program typically ranges from 20 minutes to 60 minutes, though some programs last up to 77 minutes or even 240 minutes. During the program, you will need to wear one of the three electrodes, but you don't have to remain idle. You can continue with your regular activities while using a Healy program.
How many Healy programs are recommended for an individual?It is recommended that an individual use two to three IMF (wristband) programs per day, with at least a three-hour gap between consecutive programs. In addition to these, acute programs (using adhesive or ear clip electrodes) can also be used as needed.
What are the contraindications in Healy?Microcurrent treatment must not be performed when metallic foreign bodies are present in the area of treatment. Pacemakers or implanted defibrillators are present. Risk of internal bleeding or embolism present. Treatments must not be performed on areas of the skin which have been treated radio therapeutically or have a sensory disorder or if the user has a fever. Not to be used by pregnant women. Not for the use of those with epilepsy. Do not place the electrodes directly on the eyes, covering the mouth, on the front of the neck (especially the carotid sinus) or on the chest and the upper back or crossing through the heart.
With so many programs available in the Healy Editions, how can I determine which program is right for me?First, if you know the name of the condition, you can use the Healy Advisor App, which functions as a search engine for Healy programs. Simply enter the name of the condition, and it will suggest a list of the most suitable programs for you. Second, if you are healthy or have multiple conditions or concerns, you may prefer to use the HealAdvisor Analyse App.
How many Healy applications I have to Install?Total three- Healy 2, Healy Advisor and HealAdvise Analyse 2
What is Healy Advisor Application?If you know the name of the condition, you can use the Healy Advisor App, which functions as a search engine for Healy programs. Simply enter the name of the condition, and it will suggest a list of the most suitable programs for you as per your Healy Edition.
What is HealAdvise Analyse App (Blue App)?The HealAdvisor Analyse App offers several modules: Resonance, Aura, Coach, Meridians, and Business Suite. In the Resonance Edition, you only receive the Resonance module. In the Resonance Plus and Professional editions, you get all three modules: Resonance, Aura, and Coach. The Meridians and Business Suite modules are available for an additional cost.
What are the contraindications for using the HealAdvise Analyse App (Blue App)?None. You can always use this app for anyone for any span of time. No Contraindications at all.
How can I use the Healy for my pets/ animals/ Buildings?HealAdvise Analyse App (Blue App) allows you to make the profile of animals and buildings also and then you can do all the scans and vibrate the affirmations into the information field of Animals.
Which application can be more useful to me? Healy 2 app or the HealAdvise Analyse App?Often we have a doubt as which Healy app can be more effective and powerful for me and my family. This small article only a 5 min read can answer your so many queries on the two applications. Both the applications are super powerful and work on different aspects of Health and Wellness. Both are non replaceable by each other.
What is a Healy Coil?The Healy Coil is a small attachment that can be purchased separately and connects to the Healy device through the port designed for electrode cables. It allows you to use the wristband IMF programs without the need for electrode cables, offering greater convenience.
What is the difference between using the Healy Coil and the wristband electrodes for an IMF program?The difference between using the Healy Coil and wristband electrodes for IMF programs lies in the method of transmission: Healy Coil: The Coil transmits the IMF (Information Field) programs wirelessly via a quantum field, meaning no direct electrical connection to your body is required. This method is more convenient, as it eliminates the need for electrode cables, allowing for greater freedom of movement during sessions. Wristband Electrodes: The wristband electrodes transmit the IMF programs via direct microcurrent stimulation to the body. This method delivers a physical electrical current, which can be felt, and may have a more direct influence on the body’s bioenergetic field. Both methods are effective, but the choice depends on whether you prefer the convenience of wireless transmission (Coil) or the more direct microcurrent connection (wristband electrodes).
What is MagHealy?It is the latest innovation from Healy World, designed to help you harmonize your surroundings through the emission of a pulsating magnetic field. Light, portable, and discreet, it generates positive energy wherever you go.
What are MagHealy Editions and Modules?The MagHealy is available in two editions. The first is the MagHealy Classic, which includes only the Classic Module. The second is the MagHealy Professional, which features all four modules: Classic, Water, Atmosphere, and McMakin.
Is the MagHealy safe for my home and family?Of course, yes. MagHealy generates an electromagnetic field similar to what is produced by personal computers or AM radios. These fields are even safer than those generated by FM radios, Bluetooth devices, cell phones, or microwaves.
What are the possible uses of MagHealy in my home?MagHealy offers programs to meet various needs of a family. For example, when everyone is gathered to watch their favorite TV show, you can run programs like Family Harmony, Chakra Balancing, Holistic Health, or Electrosensitivity. While traveling by car, you can use the Car Harmony program. If someone has a cough or cold, the Sinus program can be helpful. You can activate the Learning program at the study table, the Sleep program in the bedroom, or the Food Cleansing program at the dining table. You can support the women in your family with programs like Women Care or Ovary Harmony, and elderly members with Joint Harmony. The Animal Harmony program is great for pets, and you can also use the 24 dedicated programs to inform your drinking water, both in the morning and evening.
How can I use MagHealy for Water?MagHealy offers 24 dedicated programs for water. To use them, simply place the MagHealy on a water container for 10 to 12 minutes, twice a day, and select your preferred program. Once the process is complete, the entire family can drink the charged water at home or take it to the office.
How can I use the MagHealy Atmosphere program?MagHealy offers 24 dedicated programs for atmosphere, which are most effective within a 6 to 8-foot radius. These programs can influence your space and benefit multiple people sitting within its range simultaneously.
Whats unique about the McMakin Programs in MagHealy?Healy delivers a single frequency at a time, while dedicated 24 McMakin programs offer a unique set of dual frequency combinations. These combinations have been specially crafted by Carolyn McMakin, drawing from her decades of experience in treating patients using these frequencies in the US.
What is the difference between Healy and MagHealy?Both devices offer different programs, grouped into various categories, but are both operated through the same app, the Healy 2 App. The Healy device focuses on an individual's bioenergetic field, promoting internal well-being by transmitting microcurrents at frequencies tailored to your body's needs using its AI capabilities. Additionally, only Healy users can access the HealAdvise Analyse App. MagHealy, on the other hand, generates a pulsating magnetic field and offers programs for water activation, atmosphere improvement, as well as health and wellness for the entire family. It is also beneficial for pets and plants. MagHealy delivers Quantum Analyzed Frequencies (QAF) and Frequency-Specific Microcurrents (FSM). The atmosphere programs of MagHealy work within a radius of approximately 6 feet, allowing multiple people to benefit simultaneously.
Is one Healy/ MagHealy sufficient for the whole family?Yes, all the programs included in the Healy or MagHealy Edition you purchased can be used by multiple people, one at a time, with no expiration. All the programs you bought are available for lifetime use on any number of persons.
Can we use the programs from both Healy and MagHealy simultaneously?Yes, both the devices complement each other.
Where is the Healy office located in India?Presently Healy World India is headquartered at Bengaluru in Karnataka and Managing Director is Mr Sachin Gupta.
Where is the Healy World head office situated in Germany?Head office of Healy World is situated in Mainz, Germany and present CEO is Mr Cristian Halper who is also one of the cofounders.
Who is Mr. Marcus Schmieke?Mr. Marcus Schmieke, the inventor and co-founder of Healy, is a German physicist who was deeply interested in exploring the connection between physics and psychology from a young age. He has authored 25 books, which have been translated into 10 languages. Later, he traveled to India, where he spent 12 years in ISCON Mayapur, West Bengal, as a spiritual learner, studying various Vedic scriptures. After returning to Germany, he co-founded Berlin based company TimeWaver with Mr. Christian Halper, who is also currently the CEO of Healy World.
When was the Healy launched?The Berlin-based parent company TimeWaver, co-founded by Mr. Marcus Schmieke and Mr. Christian Halper, has been in operation for over a decade. Initially focused on holistic healing using information field-based technology, the company later incorporated artificial intelligence into their approach. They launched the now popular device Healy in early 2019 in Germany.
Where are the Healy and MagHealy devices manufactured?It is a product made in Germany and imported into India by Healy World India.
Are the Healy and MagHealy apps available for iPhones?Yes, Healy applications are available on both Android and iOS platforms.
Are the Healy and MagHealy devices safe for me and my family?Yes, Healy is developed by TimeWaver Germany and is used in over 55 countries by more than 2,500 practitioners. In India, it is sold as a wellness device.
Can I use the Healy/ MagHealy devices from my personal computer as well?No. You have to use it via your smartphone only.
What is the warranty for the product?Both the Healy and MagHealy devices come with a 2-year warranty covering manufacturing defects. If any issues arise with the device after the warranty period, you can purchase new hardware from the Healy shop at a very nominal price. All your existing programs will transfer to the new hardware, and you will receive a fresh 2-year warranty on the replacement hardware.
What is the support system if I face any difficulty in using the product?First, you can call the dedicated helpline number on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Additionally, you can raise a support ticket at
How can I buy the Healy/ MagHealy?Call the mobile number provided at the top of this website or fill out the contact form to receive the Healy Shop link. Click on the link and follow the simple steps: select your Healy or MagHealy Edition, make the payment online via the gateway directly to Healy World India, and place your order. Once your order is placed, you will receive three emails: the first to activate your Healy account, the second to create your password, and the third confirming your order. Within the next few days, your product will be delivered to your home via courier service.
How can I learn to use the Healy and MagHealy?That's for what we are, our Healy network Healing4World have all the tutorial videos and learning assets for you. You can learn various applications gradually and we will provide you full support in smooth onboarding. There is also a Healy Academy which you can access for learning free of cost directly from the experts at Healy World, Germany. You get access to Healy Academy once you order your product.
Does Healy World have any business opportunities as well?Yes, the Healy compensation plan offers 6 different types of income ranging from direct bonus to various team bonuses and you can do this business globally in 55+ countries. To know more about the business opportunity please call us or fill up the contact form.
What if I am not satisfied with the product?Healy and MagHealy comes with a 14 Days 100% Money-Back Guarantee from the date of delivery of the product at your home and to return the used product withing the cooling off period you may call the Helpline number or raise a complaint ticket at
What is Healing4World?It is the name of team founded by Mr Dinesh Mishra. He is basically a Maths professor and also seriously involved with the Healy business since October, 2020. He has achieved the prestigious Golden Circle Leadership Award, Two times for creating the highest Healy business volume in the Asia Pacific region. He has created several videos for the Healy members so that use this amazing product in the best possible way and also they can do the Healy business seamlessly.
How can I access my Healy Backend and Dashboard?Your Healy Shop/ Dashboard is available at and your Backend for Healy Business and other tools is available at For Login you can use user user name or Mail ID as ID and password you have received in your mail box.
How to submit KYC Documents?Step 1 login to using your ID and Password. Step 2 Goto "Support centre" then "Submit a new case" then choose topic "Account" and then "KYC Document submission".
How can I enrol someone in my Sales Group (Team)?Login at Goto My Tools -> My Links Copy the relavant Link and share the Link to your propect. Once your Prospect has registered your your affiliate link now to to My Business -> Unplaced Partner and place him either in your Left or on Right. Any new member should be added to your that side which have lesser Point Value.
From where can I download Flyers, Brouchures, etc?"Login at Goto My Tools -> My Downloads Here is now your download center Choose the Country/ market for which you want to download the creative. Since you are a previledged member of Heaing4World you can get 15 to 20 new creatives per month for your social handles. Mail to for any such requirement.
How can I learn to grow my Healy Business and How can I convert my new Healy Prospects?Keep checking your registered mail id, you will be getting regular mails on various webinars by Healy World and also all the useful updates from Healy World time to time. You can also access "Academy" at your backend under "My Tools". Follow the Facebook pages of Healy World where they keep on sharing alot of usefull stuff. At Healing4World we keep on conducting various webinars on the uses of Healy, on the Business development and also for the new prospects where we tell them everything about Healy and answer there querries. You get details of these webinars on our WhatsApp groups. Mail to if still you are not added in our WhatsApp groups.
What is an Healy affiliate link and where can I find mine?Your affiliate link is a link of Healy store, clicking by which if someone purchases Healy, he joins your sales team and you become his sponsor and you will be enttitled to receive its Device Direct Bonus. You can find your affiliate link as follows: Login at Goto My Tools -> My Links Here are your affiliate link for various different markets.
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